Passive VS Active Learning with Technology

Passive Learning VS Active Learning with Technology.

Content Consumption to Content Creation: Shift the Flow

Passive VS Active Learning with Technology

Passive VS Active Learning with Technology

Below is a good graphic illustrating the difference between passive and active learning with technology. The graphic is from the National Educational Technology Plan 2016. Ask yourself if you are;

  1. assigning digitized worksheets to your students
  2. encouraging your students to consume media? (e. g. reading online or watching videos

Numbers 1 and 2 above are examples of passive learning with technology. If you employ active learning with technology, your students will:

  1. interact with experts
  2. be a part of a global community (
  3. create media rich productions/projects
  4. code and program
  5. collaborate with their peers
  6. use simulations and games


Dr.Anne MarieFiore,DrMatthewBeyranevand,andDr.LindaJ.Hirsch

Leading Future Learning 2016 – Dr. Linda Hirsch, Dr. Matthew Beyranevand, and Anne-Marie Fiore to Present at Technology Leader’s Conference

Chelmsford, MA, January 1, 2016– On March 11, 2016, Dr. Linda Hirsch, Dr. Matthew Beyranevand, and Anne-Marie Fiore are presenting at the Leading Future Learning Conference at the College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, MA. “School leaders face both challenges and opportunities in encouraging classroom innovation and instructional progress Read more…