Category: Tech
Exploring the Role of the School Network for Technology Integration
With the recent advent of online assessments, the capabilities of the school network have come to the forefront in many school districts across the nation (Cavanaugh, 2014). In November 2014, President Obama addressed school bandwidth issues during the inaugural superintendent summit on digital learning and future readiness. At the summit, President Obama stated, “Right now,…
Using Universal Design for Learning and Technology to Support the Whole Child
Using Universal Design for Learning and Technology to Support the Whole Child will explore key issues, brain-based research, and best practices for using technology and Universal Design for Learning to support whole-child development. This presentation will empower educators to use the tenets of UDL and the technology available to them in their schools to help…
Technology and UDL
The essential role of technology in Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is that it enables a teacher to easily offer multiple means of learning. Students can read, watch, interact, and simulate with technology to learn content using their strengths in their preferred learning styles. Digital materials make it possible for the same material to be…