Teachers Awesome Apps Guide and Resource Book

The Teacher’s Awesome Apps and Resource Book

Teachers-Awesome-Apps-Guide-and-Resource-Book CHELMSFORD – December 26, 2012 – The Chelmsford Public Schools Technology Department (www.chelmstech.net) is proud to announce the release of John O’Sullivan’s iBook called The Teacher’s Awesome Apps and Resource Book.  John O’Sullivan is the Technology Integration Specialist for Assistive Technologies and has been with the district since July 2010.
The Teacher’s Awesome Apps and Resource Book built using iBooks Author, marks the CPS Technology Department’s first interactive iBook.  Unlike traditional textbooks, The Teacher’s Awesome Apps and Resource Book features interactive videos, quizzes, and online links for every teacher.
“We are extremely excited to debut John O’Sullivan’s iBook,” states Anne-Marie Fiore, Executive Director of Technology and Information for the Chelmsford Public Schools.  “John has taken a completely fresh approach to defining what a teacher resource can be on an iPad.  By eliminating the traditional book and replacing it with interactivity, we give teachers a chance to easily learn in the iBook format.”
Find out how you can unlock the power of The Teacher’s Awesome Apps and Resource Book by visiting chelmstech.net and download it to your iPad (http://www.chelmstech.net).
The Teacher’s Awesome Apps and Resource Book
The Teacher’s Awesome Apps and Resource Book – iBook version(iPad only)
The Teacher’s Awesome Apps and Resource Book PDF version
(will work on iPhone, PC and Mac)

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