Category: Design
Another Look at ADDIE
I am always exploring how learning theory and motivation can be applied to the instructional process to make it more engaging and practical for diverse learning audiences. So, I am taking another look at ADDIE. What is ADDIE?
Personalized Learning through Adaptive Technology
Over the past few months, you may have heard some chatter about personalized learning through adaptive technology. Not surprising. The Brookings Institution referred to personalized learning as a major movement in education. Murray (2017) stated that colleges and universities are increasingly seeking ways to customize curriculum and learner outcomes via adaptive technology to match student-needs based on…
Using Universal Design for Learning and Technology to Support the Whole Child
Using Universal Design for Learning and Technology to Support the Whole Child will explore key issues, brain-based research, and best practices for using technology and Universal Design for Learning to support whole-child development. This presentation will empower educators to use the tenets of UDL and the technology available to them in their schools to help…