Local Administrators Chosen For National Digital Learning Leadership Program

Local Administrators Chosen For National
DIGITAL Learning Leadership Program
3 administrators from the Chelmsford Public Schools were chosen to received training to lead blended learning initiatives
Chelmsford, MA, February 9, 2016 – Chelmsford Administrators Chosen For National Digital Learning Leadership Program
We are pleased to announce that, under the umbrella of The Massachusetts Computer Using Educators (MassCUE), an ISTE affiliate, a team of Chelmsford administrators were selected to participate in the inaugural cohort of the Leadership in Blended and Digital Learning program (LBDL). Developed by The Friday Institute for Educational Innovation, in collaboration with North Carolina Principals & Assistant Principals’ Association (NCPAPA) with initial development funded by The Learning Accelerator, LBDL is designed to build organizational, district, or state capacity to facilitate a blended learning program.   Members of the Chelmsford leadership team include: Dr. Linda Hirsch, Assistant Superintendent of Schools, Anne-Marie Fiore, Executive Director of Technology and Information, and Kelly Rogers, Principal of the Center Elementary School.
“We are very excited to participate in the first cohort of administrators for the nationally-recognized Blend in Mass Program. We look forward to a new teaching and learning experience”, said Dr. Linda Hirsch, Chelmsford Assistant Superintendent.
Blended learning combines instruction with education technology that enables personalized learning for each student.  The MassCUE Leadership in Blended Learning (LBL) program offers a job-embedded professional learning experience to prepare school administrators to lead a blended learning transition in their district and schools.  For more information, please visit: http://blendinmass.org
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If you would like more information about this topic, please contact Anne-Marie Fiore at 978.251.5100 or email at [email protected].

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